Monday, January 27, 2020
The Needs And Demands For Laptop Features Marketing Essay
The Needs And Demands For Laptop Features Marketing Essay Apple plays an important role in the laptop industry. Though Steve Jobss empire maybe behind in the ranking but year after year, Apples market share is increasing (Mintel, 2009) and has recorded a annual sales rise of 12.5 % , achieving a turnover of $ 36.54bn in 2009. The successful launch of iPhone , iphone with 3g technology and increasing sales of Ipod helped Apple to increase its brand equity and awareness which helps them expanding in market. Apple offers a wide variety of products from ipods, mobile phones, iphone along with Imac and the MacBooks. In the process of staying competitive, apple announced in September 2009 at a special event, Keynote, that, they plan to further reduce their margins and offer affordable computers and by that be more competitive in terms of price positioning (Apple, 2009). In the constantly evolving PC sector the main players are HP, Acer, Dell, Lenevo and Toshiba. The companies in the highly competitive laptop industry offer best deals at best prices to the market with a wide range of innovative products to the consumers every day, thus responding to the needs and demands. Many advanced and fragile laptops have lately emerged in the market with cheaper price as well as finer design (BBC news, 2008). Apple, HP (Hewlett-Packard), Dell and other players in market have launched the series of light notebooks. But Sony proves to be a tough competitors with the launch of world lightest notebook 8, the 1.4 pound VAIO in 2009 (Sony, 2009). To prove to be innovative HP provides innovative personalisation through Personalize with HP Skins to reflect users personality and lifestyle (HP, 2009).Where Apple provides only white, grey and black laptop covers. Apple has been able to be competitive in the market as they offer facilities quicker than competitors. Therefo re, Apple manages to provide advanced technology to user which is bettered compared to its competitors.. It is necessary to define the business and update products to every single trend in the sector to supply to the inherent customer needs. Nowadays, in a constant volatile economical and social world, it is more difficult to predict, analyse and perceive consumers attitude towards a product than ever. (Randrianasolo, 2006). With the increasing usage of laptops on university campus in classrooms, libraries etc. this seems to be an effective target for laptop companies. Apples educational website has a wide variety of offerings for laptops and PCs with offers, discounts and services. Although, Apple laptop features need to be modified in order to suit the students needs. Sales in this segment can prove to be a fertilizer for improving Apples business. The Nature of the Management Issue: In order to sustain to the competition, it is necessary to be efficient to satisfy the customer needs and wants. The purchasing decision of MacBook can be affected by exploring the existing offerings in the market in terms of laptop and the studying factors that influence students desire for personalising laptops, features, softwares ( for course, gaming ,etc. ), portability, longer battery, as well as price . The busy students life, they need easy access to softwares, drivers etc. Students also demand for customizing or personalization of laptops according to the needs for self identity, study course, gaming, professional etc. This will help to increase the market share, sales of Apples laptops and create a positive image of the company in the industry. Decision problem: In order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, which new strategic methods should Apple consider? Understanding how adding values and features to laptops esteemed by students can help in increasing market share. Decision that Apple can make is: What features and aspects can Apple change in their laptops in order to expand its laptop sales among the University students in UK? Research Objectives or Hypothesis: Research should support the management issue, and develop solution further. The objective is to conduct a marketing research based on problem defined, which would be: To study the university students needs and demands for a new laptops and the extent to which the current market offerings satisfy those needs. This research shall include studying components like: What buyers seek in order to satisfy for the needs of university students? To find out needs considering factors like social acceptance, lifestyles, portability or a combination of various factors. Till what extend do current laptop offering in market meet the demands? Survey of what competitors brands provide that they are more desirable. What are the esteemed laptop features among university students? What features to be kept on priority while designing the package? Can the features be identified in terms of RAM, ROM, LCD screens, graphic cards, Personalization of laptop and laptop covers, portability, internet options, Wi-Fi connectivity, battery life as well as services and pricing? Do current products from Apple satisfy these demands? What is the buying behaviour, demographic as well as psychographic of the targeted market segment? To find out what strategies can be developed to influence the buying decisions of customers in the target market. The value of this work: The research shall help Apple to: Focus on product launch that in turn will accentuate the customers to buy Apple laptops. The research can help in improving brand equity and market share. Further, helping the company to establish itself as a benchmark for the other competitor companies. Understanding the psyche of focused group for the aspects like needs to buy a laptop, ideal laptop features, or important characteristics of Apples laptops and whether Apple adequately meets these demands. To draw relationship between students buying behaviour and factors that affects their purchasing decision. The research will also be important in aspect of social value in determining factors that can be benefit to students and thereby contribute in empowering the education system. Research Design: The research has to be carried out through various methods in order to investigate the actors that student consider while selecting a laptop and to understand the psyche of young consumer. The understanding will further help the company to launch new products in market as per the demands. Thus, identifying and understanding the new potential market for increasing laptop sales can lead to increasing market share. A Casual, conclusive research has to be designed to understand what the students demand and to what extent are they fulfilled. A) Secondary Research: Literature review and industry research form a part of secondary data and are more quantitative. Evaluating and analysing this descriptive data helps to diagnose and plan the research for primary data. Data Sourcing: Data can be sourced in various ways and varied sources as per the requirements of the mode of conduct of the research. Internal Secondary data: These are the sources help in getting internal records of the companies which can prove useful as they have relevant information which the research demands. Such Data can be available from the official websites of the companies can give information on the sales and figures, financial reports and statements, etc. External Secondary Data: these sources give a wide range of information and data from which the researcher can access to the information from the selected source. These include resources like books, journals, periodicals, press reports, and sources like keynote, Verdict Research etc. These sources provide general information on the business as well as business statistics. Intelligence sources like journals, newspapers etc. also help to acquire relevant data. This secondary data can lead us to develop an approach towards collecting primary data. B) Primary Research: Primary research will be useful to verify the students opinion. Primary survey gives the most recent data accurate and relevant through different ways such as questionnaires, surveys, observations. In order to collect the recent students opinion below methods can be used: Questionnaires. Focus Groups discussions. Interviews and observations : group discussions on university campus. Surveys: telephonic surveys, mail surveys, web surveys. Sampling design and Size: Simple random technique: The university students having equal probability of selection (Malhotra, 2009) through interviewing and filling questionnaires. Sample size has to be targeted should be approximately 300 students from different universities, Courses and level of education (Bachelors/ Masters). In order to get balanced information it is necessary that the survey should be done across all parts of the country. Questionnaire: The questionnaire should support the research objective in finding out students perspective on general information and knowledge about laptops, pricing, how important are laptops, what features do students demand for, students opinions and suggestion on Apple MacBook. The questions per section should not exceed beyond 15 and should have multiple choices to save time and interest. Field Work: The questionnaires, interviews and survey can be carried out in university classrooms, seminar, cafeterias, computer hubs, library, student residence halls. Emails with attached copy, questionnaires on Apples official website and students poll and blogs can also be helpful ways of conducting the research. C) Collection of data and data entry. This could be done manually using a software programme. D) Analysing and data interpretation using methods like cross-tabulation. E) Test the reliability of the data. In order to check whether the analysis is correct cross testing of data can be done. The company Apple can provide free services or softwares as incentives on completion of the survey. Theoretical Underpinnings: Brand Differentiation and Innovation Strategy : Schmalensee, Richard (1982) in his research Product differentiation Advantages of Pioneering Brands reflects the importance of brand differentiation and innovation concept will help to understand why there is a need for adding unique value to a product in category. Increasing differentiation in products compared to competitors will help to improve the market share as well as Innovation Strategy this helps, in creating new standards though product innovation. These are competitive strategies prove advantageous in the process of creating distinctive brand. Relation between Consumer and business: Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A. (2007) A new conceptual framework for business-consumer relationships draws the relationship between understanding Consumer demands and buying behaviour to the Business of any company. It explains why is it necessary to build strategies and provide the consumer the demanded product in order to perform better. 3) Branding strategy- consumer buying decision: Hamann, D., Williams Robert L. ,Omar ,M. (2007) in the paper Branding strategy and consumer high-technology product explain how consumer buying decision factors like Price, use, quality and culture affect the branding strategy . This helps to in research design to consider these points and investigate them through University students perspective. 4) Consumer Behaviour- Social class influences: Social factors can affect the purchasing decision of University students. In the paper Social class influences on purchase evaluation criteria the author Williams, T. (2002) investigates how social factors affect the consumer behaviour while buying products. 5) Need for portable computing: Studies have proved that there is change in teaching ways and students are subjected to more electronically available data. This proves that students need laptops on campus as the classroom, library and campus culture relation with students is changing. (Bazillion, 2001) 6) Technology and marketing: According to Moncrief, W. and Cravens, D. (1999) rate of change by technology affecting the buyers will increase. In order to grow and perform in the competitive market, companies need to be market driven. Hence, it is necessary to investigate the demands of the consumer so that companies can find out efficient and effective ways of reaching the market Administrative Constraints: There might be a few limitations which might hamper the process of research and data interpretation. Few constraints can be as below: Availability of students: Students have a busy life and lectures and project works. Hence it might be difficult. The research demands to study the University students from different cities in UK. This will increase the problems in data collection.. The sample size will affect the reliability of data. Also, as the research demands study of students from different universities which is a difficult job. The research will have to be limited to a selection of representative universities. This can constrains in the study of overall university student in the country. Data is collected from interviews, discussions and surveys. There can be errors while entering the data. The factors will have to be considered. Due to some incorrect data entering can affect the accuracy of data. Also, the sample size will be an important factor that can affect the data accuracy. REFERENCES: Apple (2009) work- Keynote 2009 [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 19 December 2009]. Bazillion, R. , Braun, C. ( 2001) Classroom, library and campus culture in a networked environment. Campus- Wide Information systems, Vol. 18, no. 2, pp 61-67. BBC news (2008) Dell joins cut-down laptop market [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed 20th December 2009]. Hamann, D., William, R., Omar, M. (2007) Branding strategy and consumer high-technology product. Journal of Product Brand Management, Vol. 16, No.2, pp 98-111. HP (2009) Hp PC learning centre- Personalize with HP skins [Internet]. Available from . [Accessed on 17 December 2009]. Malhotra, K. (2009), Basic Marketing Research, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Person International, Inc. Mintel (2009) PCs and Laptops [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed on 24 December 2009]. Moncrief, W., Cravens, D. ( 1999) Technology and the Changing marketing world. Marketing Intelligence Planning. Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 329-332. Randrianasolo, H.à (2006) Changement de comportement du consommateur dans le commerce à ©quitable. [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed 28th December 2009]. Schmalensee, R (1982), Product differentiation advantages of pioneering brands,à The American Economic Review, pp.349-65 Sony (2009) P Series- Go lightly. [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed 19 December 2009]. Vrontis, D., Thrassou , A. ( 2007) A new conceptual framework for business- consumer relationships. Marketing Intelligence Planning, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp 789-806. Williams, T. (2002) Social class influences on purchase evaluation criteria. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp 249-276. IMAGE REFERENCES: Image 1: Apple (2009) Which Mac are you? Apple advertising on the official website with its range of Macs, [Online Image]. Available from [Accessed on 8 January 2010] Image 2: Ackerman, D. (2009) Market Share of leading companies in PC sector in Apple drops to No.5 in laptop sales- are cheaper MacBooks the answer?. cnet News, 16 July 2009. [Online image].Available from [Accessed on 24 December 2009]. Image 3: iStyles ( 2009) HP provides Laptop skins: Bend it HP Mini skin , [Online image],Available from [Accessed on 8 January 2010]. Image 4: Reid, R. ( 2007 ) Dell offering 1420N in different colours in Dell multicolour laptops: XPS M1330, Inspiron 1520 and 1720 [Online Image]. Available at [Accessed on 8 January 2010]. Image 5: Albany Law School (2008) Students in classrooms with laptops: showing growing need of laptops in student life, [Online Image]. Available from [Accessed on 8 January 2010]. Image 6: Cooke John (2008) Relationship between Product, customer and Business, [Online Image]. Available From [Accessed on 8 January 2010]. Image 7: Smith Amy (2008) Apples aim Students with apple laptops, [Online Image]. Available from [Accessed on 9 January 2010]. Image 8: Secondary Data (2008) Reference model for understanding sources of primary n secondary data, [Online Image] .Available from [Accessed on 9 January 2010]. Image 9: Point Marketing Limited (2008) Identifying the target group for research sampling,[Online Image].Available from [Accessed on 2 January 2010]. Image 10: Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A. (2007) Framework of the classical business-consumer relationship In A new conceptual framework for business- consumer relationships. Marketing Intelligence Planning, Vol. 25, No. 7.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Early Sartre: Unsatisfactory Account of Alterity :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Early Sartre: Unsatisfactory Account of Alterity ABSTRACT: This paper critically examines the way in which Sartre dealt with the problem of alterity in his early works, proposing that Sartre presented an unsatisfactory account of alterity in his first philosophical work entitled The Transcendence of the Ego, though his study of imagination offers ample opportunities to re-examine the question of alterity and to arrive at a more adequate formulation of the way in which the self relates to the other. I therefore begin by demonstrating that the Transcendence of the Ego perpetuates the Cartesian tradition where the self is defined primarily in terms of thinking-that is, self-consciousness and immanence. Next, I turn to the Sartrean Psychology of Imagination to find another way of conceptualizing the problem. I inquire into his general theory of the imaginary consciousness defined as a 'picture consciousness' and argue that it reduces the alterity of the imaginary object to sheer absence. As such, the theory of imagination does not allo w us to bring the fundamental character of alterity to light. Still, we uncover a more adequate way of dealing with alterity in the context of the imaginary life. I show that the notion of the 'picture itself' allows us to conceptualize alterity as the radical withdrawal of the other. Finally, I make evident that the imaginary subject is necessarily divided between itself and itself as another and due to that internal split, can grasp the alterity of another person. The first properly philosophical work written by Sartre-The Transcendence of the Ego (1) -is an investigation into the problem of otherness, of alterity or-to use Sartre's terminology-of transcendence. Sartre develops the notion of transcendence in a radical opposition to that of immanence i. e. of a uniform and homogenous sameness. His ultimate aim is to arrive at the notion of immanence purified of any transcendent elements and to use that notion as a clue for his definition of subjectivity. That is to say, to the question: "What am I?" Sartre would reply: "I am an immanence without transcendence. I am a pure stream of consciousness without any contents. I am an absolute transparency without opacity. I am no more than the temporal unity of my life-which means-a pure self-contained flow that no alien element can interrupt or contaminate". The idea of pure self-transparent subjectivity has a long history behind it. It originated in the philosophy of Descartes and was further developed by Husserl.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Environmental Effects on Fetus Essay
We count all toes and fingers when children are born. We try to make sure that children are born healthy and try to do our best of making sure they stay that way until they are adults. However, sleeper effects are aspects that affect fetuses when born or later on in life. One agent in the environment that can adversely disturb an unborn child is teratogen. Most fetuses are exposed to at least one teratogen (motorized or physical instruments, environmental substances, communicable agents) (Palenchar, 2005). Fetuses can also be affected by an individualââ¬â¢s age, fitness, nourishment, and genetics. Communicable diseases can cause irreversible damages to fetuses. These diseases can disturb the fetus while still in the womb or through the birth canal or sometimes both. For instance, if a mother is in her first trimester and has rubella, the child may be have heart defects, be blind or even metal retarded. If the disease is still present in the second trimester, the child may have language issues, hearing and vision loss (Sleigh, 2005). Another example would be if the mother has AIDs. During birth, the child may be infected. This is because infants are susceptible to respiratory illnesses (Sleigh, 2005). Prenatal care is vital to the prevention of many illnesses for the child and mother. If the mother is not receiving proper nutrition, then the womb is not able to pass nutrients on to the fetus and it will not develop properly. The offspring of this fetus will be affected and the generation after, therefore fetuses can be affected multigenerational (Sleigh, 2005). Finally, Sleigh (2005) says that the ideal time for women to have children would be in their 20ââ¬â¢s. This is because mental disabilities can show up in children whose mother gave birth to them past the age of 35. Hormonal changes due to a woman approaching menopause may cause the uterus to be less favorable for fertilization. Additionally, the motherââ¬â¢s overall health is a risk as she may develop high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Adolescents are still growing and developing themselves and having a child at such a young age will cause malnutrition, premature delivery, and the mother may develop osteoporosis. A womenââ¬â¢s overall health is important when considering having a child. There are several factors that can affect the fetus in the womb and after. With the proper guidance and nutrition, the fetus will have a good chance of having a healthy life.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Ford Mustang And The Corvette - 1553 Words
Over the past sixty years, the American car scene has been dominated by two completely different vehicles and the entire communities that believe in them. Both designed, founded, and rooted in Detroit, Michigan, the Ford Mustang and the Corvette have continued to fuel the chase for the label of Americaââ¬â¢s true muscle car. The question over the years has been, why and how do consumers choose which to own, and which one is our ââ¬Å"bald eagleâ⬠? Investigating deeper into the roots of each American superpower, it all began with introduction of something that would change the automotive industry forever. ââ¬Å"Corvette: Dream Car Come Trueâ⬠, is an article that highlights the beginning of the car movement in the United States: the birth of Chevroletââ¬â¢s Corvette. ââ¬Å"Born in 1953 at the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan, the Corvette grew up on the raceway and has ruled the road ever sinceâ⬠(Seiden 14). The article also goes on to mention that â⠬Å"the Corvette is not for racers only. True car lovers own Corvette cars for everyday drivingâ⬠¦ and the highest performance standards have been built into every modelâ⬠(Seiden 14). Early dominance of Corvettes on and off the racetrack, led other competitors such as Ford Motor Company wonder why and how the Corvette could be out-driven and out-sold. Directly opposing the release of the Corvette and its multipurpose ingenuity ââ¬Å"Lee Iacocca, then general manager of Ford Motor Company, challenged his design team to create a car that could be driven ââ¬ËtoShow MoreRelatedCarol Shelbys Life997 Words à |à 4 PagesWhen someone thinks of Ford Motor Company, one of the first things that comes to mind is the Mustang. Carroll Shelby revolutionized the world of cars, especially with his work on the Ford Mustangs. Carroll was not only a racecar driver, but he also created racecars and street legal vehicles. 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